909회차 5천원 당첨
그냥 버릴려 한거 한번 확인해봤는데
판매점 가면 5천원 주나요??
로또나 복권 얼마까지 당첨 되셨나요??
Congratulation! You win the 203 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 271 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 252 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 270 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 68 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 135 Lucky Point!
로그인한 회원만 등록가능합니다.
Congratulation! You win the 203 Lucky Point!
그걸로 보태서 샵 가세요~~
Congratulation! You win the 271 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 252 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 270 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 68 Lucky Point!
Congratulation! You win the 135 Lucky Point!
갠적으로 솔직히 군면제보다 로또 1등이 좋아요ㅜㅜ
1등 당첨 되려고 대기중인게 아닐까요??